First project#

Advanced guide

This guide assumes you are already familiarized with Python packaging! If you aren’t, we recommend you check our Introduction to Python packaging with meson-python tutorial instead.

meson-python builds on top of an existing Meson project, so you’ll need the top-level for a Meson project next to your pyproject.toml. You can check our example project or the projects in the Projects using meson-python page for examples.

Getting started with Meson

If you are not familiar with Meson, we would recommend checking out their tutorial.

Specifying the backend#

Our build backend is called mesonpy, and that’s what you should specify in the key of pyproject-toml.

You should add meson-python, and all other build dependencies (eg. Cython) needed by your Meson project, in the build-system.requires key.


build-backend = 'mesonpy'
requires = ['meson-python', 'cython']

Specifying the project metadata#

We use the standard metadata format in the project section of pyproject.toml.

Please refer to the relevant PyPA documentation page for a full specification.


build-backend = 'mesonpy'
requires = ['meson-python', 'cython']

name = 'example-package'
version = '1.0.0'
description = 'Our example package using meson-python!'
readme = ''
requires-python = '>=3.8'
license = {file = 'LICENSE.txt'}
authors = [
  {name = 'Bowsette Koopa', email = ''},